
Dust is a common enemy in Africa. It leaves furniture, floors, and windows covered in a brown film. Nothing escapes its infiltration (except Zip-Lock bags). The mopping and dusting are endless chores. It does not take too long to learn a valuable lesson - clean the windows first.

Cleaning the windows never crossed my mind when I first arrived in Africa. I would mop and dust and go on with life, but after one of those African horizontal rain storms, I decided the windows badly needed to be cleaned. I dusted the house, mopped the floors, and finally washed the windows. To my surprise more light came through than ever before and I saw dirt and dust I had not seen!

My life is the same. If I leave the windows to my soul covered in dust and dirt, I can think the inside is clean when it is not. Hopefully it won't take a storm for me to realize the dirt is there!


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As I allow God to clean those windows and allow His light to come through, I can see myself as I really am. While that first sight might turn my stomach, God will tenderly enter and clean where I allow Him. And His work will bring joy to my soul!

The Psalmist expressed these feelings when he said, "My soul cleaves to the dust; revive me according to Thy word...Remove the false way from me and graciously grant me Thy law." (Psalm 119:25,29)

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